Sunday, July 13, 2014

Is Global Domains International a Valid MLM Opportunity?

There are several MLM opportunities on the internet which you may consider but it is advisable to stay on your guard at all times and pick a program that is genuine and reliable. Apart from all the rest, the most popular MLM Company by far must be Global Domains International. But how do you know that it is not just another scam and actually can deliver what it claims. To find the answer to the question, we need to take a look into what Global Domains International is all about and what it offers that makes it so well-liked among many people.


This company has been in business from the year 1999 and has loyal consumers almost all across the globe. It has developed an effective marketing strategy that has bought the company a great deal of success. It provides members with high potential incomes; all that is needed on your part is some technical knowledge and little work.

The best thing about Global Domains International i.e. GDI system is that you yourself need not sell the product, the videos offered by the company are persuasive enough to bring in potential consumers. All you need to do is push the video to your friends, family and other acquaintances. Another thing that makes this MLM opportunity popular is the fact that it is the cheapest business venture but can provide maximum profits in return.


Sign up fee is comparatively less which makes it affordable for all kinds of people willing to get into network marketing. Since you need not work too much, it is good for both beginners and experts of network marketing. They have many good materials starting from presentations on the Internet to incentives. It helps keep prospects motivated and move towards the success line.


It is extremely easy to promote GDI which makes it a hit among many who are unable to put in much effort into persuading consumers.

You can promote GDI offline via gatherings or meetings. You can easily purchase a video and send it to all the potential prospects. Meeting up with potential clients can also help you push GDI, you can ask them to check out the website or give them a DVD to educate them about the company. GDI also offers name cards that you can use to bring in customers.

All in all, I conclude that GDI can definitely be a wise decision if you are looking for a MLM opportunity. Go ahead and consider the opportunity to see if this is the program you had been looking for.

To get maximum support for your GDI business, partner with the best GDI team for vertical spill-over.

Kerri is an MLM consultant who has helped more then 7000 people in their MLM opportunity. Learn how you can finally succeed in any MLM by combining the power of viral marketing, videos, blogs and a credible MLM downline builder.

GDI Business - Fabulous Ways to Grow Your Global Domain International Business

These days, you can see an enormous number of business opportunities available online. In case, you have been hunting hard for the best business opportunity on the World Wide Web, GDI is a term that you must have surely come across. GDI is an acronym for Global Domain International.

Most people think that GDI is a scam or any other illegal pyramid scheme. This is just not so. This is a legitimate program that will certainly provide you a product in exchange for your money that you pay as a membership fee. The product GDI business can provide you is a domain name, site builder, web hosting or email addresses. You can opt for your choice of product easily.

Making money with GDI business is really easy. All that is required of you is to pay a membership fee of $9.95 each month and you would get the product mentioned above. Here, you get a fabulous opportunity to earn money with the product. With the GDI business, you would benefit from a commission in order to refer other people to their business. Now, for each person you manage to refer to this business opportunity, you would earn $1 each month and the money will be yours till the person, you have referred to, remains a member. Now, $1 per month may not be an exciting deal for you but it is just a start. You can end up building a good amount of income towards the end of the whole deal.

You would be provided commission on five varied levels and this signifies that the person you have referred and when he or she in turn refers a member you would be entitled for the commission paid to that member. This chain goes well with the rest of the levels. Now, with five varied levels of people referring to new members consistently, you can make a lot of money as commissions.

Here are some tips to help you grow your GDI business:

a) Referred link:

First and foremost, you need to know about your referred link. This will let GDI referral link track anyone that you refer to GDI business. A referral link is your nickname. Hence, you need to think of your referral name carefully when you sign up for a GDI account.

b) Get noticed:

Once you have your own referral link, you need to make efforts in order to get noticed by others. The best way is to add your link on your email signature.

c) Join forums:

There are a number of forums that you can join about your niche and add your referral link to in. Make sure that you don't post spam.

d) Free e-book:

This is a great way to market your GDI business. Write an e-book on PDF format explaining your program and give it away for free through forums.

e) PPC advertising:

This is also a fabulous way to create your GDI downline. However, you may have to shell out some money for this.

All the methods mentioned above will facilitate you in growing your GDI business fast and also let you earn a lot of money from it.

The GDI business is a sure shot way to earn a lot of money in a short period of time.

The Missing Key to Your MLM Success?

Why are so many people failing in MLM? 95% of the people that join an MLM fail!

Even though we have the Internet, great MLM companies with incredible compensation Plans,but yet only a few people still make it to the top and achieves great success.

Perhaps you have been with a particular company for a while and you tried everything you made a list of the top 100 and you hand it out

your companies DVDs, you went to all the hotel meetings, you ran ads online you, called leads but nothing seems to work..

Let me share a simple Key principle that will take your business to the next level starting today. The most important part of your business is YOU!

It's called the "YOU-FACTOR" for things to change you have to change first. What i want you to start focusing on is you!

Work harder on yourself than you do on your business.. Invest in some good books,Cd's, and DVDS food for the mind.

Simple excise read ten pages of a good book every night before you go to bed for the next 30 days.

This messing key will transform your business overnight try it and see happens.

If i had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six hours sharpening my ax and two hours chopping down the tree.

The more you work on yourself the easier it becomes to build your MLM business..You are the greatest asset you have so invest in yourself.

Global Domains International - How to Make Money With GDI

GDI is a domain registry service that owns exclusive rights to all .ws web addresses. If you are a member of the GDI MLM business opportunity, and are not yet bringing in the money that you have hoped for; I would like to take this time to give you three sure fire tactics that you can start utilizing immediately to start making money with Global Domains International. These online marketing techniques can help anyone in any business opportunity to find the success that they have hoped for, and the best thing is, they are free.
Video Marketing:
Video marketing is an under utilized free online marketing tool that can drive considerable amounts of traffic to your website where you are promoting your GDI business opportunity. Simply produce a short video that is related to your business and product, and post it online using any of the free services like YouTube, Metacafe, Vimeo, etc.
Article Marketing:
Polish your writing and typing skills, and start publishing articles that relate to your business online. There are many free online article directories that you have the option of using. This gives you a tremendous opportunity to brand yourself as a subject matter expert in your field, and not just another GDI member that is trying to make a buck. Just remember that quality is key.
Social Media:
You already use social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and many more for your personal use. Why not start utilizing these free services to promote your business? Just keep in mind that you need to walk a fine line of using these services for both personal and business purposes. You do not want to come across as a spammer, and start pushing people away from you. Social media sites are all about building relationships and trust online, and you can use these sites as an opportunity to create curiosity from other users.
If you start utilizing these three online marketing techniques right away, you will be able to start seeing staggering increases in your website traffic. Although, these methods are not going to give you the desired results that you want to see overnight. These online marketing methods take time and a lot of repetition. With that in mind, if you make them apart of your daily income producing activities, these strategies will not only help you to make money with GDI, but can build tremendous success in any business opportunity that you participate in.

Dave Fennell is an Investment Advisor who is transitioning into a Home Based Business in Internet Marketing. He specializes in Article Marketing, Blogging, Social Network Marketing, Video Marketing, and many other Top Online Marketing Strategies.
Visit Marketing Methods Online for FREE Online Marketing Tips and Strategies that you can utilize immediately in ANY business, as well as a multitude of Home Based Business Reviews! These include Expert Reviews of MLM Companies, Online Marketing Products, and Internet Opportunities!

Apostle Series - Coming Clean About GDI, MLMs and Network Marketing - Winners & Losers

This Apostle Series Article was born out of a need to set some matters straight...

As many ezine article authors feel, readers, friends, groups, Good Buddy's, and family members have come to look to us for "Straight Talk" and "Sound Advice" in matters concerning Health, Healing, Prosperity, and Biblical Interpretation as it relates to such, I hope you can understand that we do not "Bat A Thousand %."

Only Jesus did! The rest of us, including all of His Apostles and disciples throughout the ages, continue to learn by our mistakes. So long as we do not attempt to conceal our errors, I feel that we can, and should, continue our "Quest For The Truth!" (CEV) John 8:31 Jesus told the people who had faith in him, "If you keep on obeying what I have said, you truly are my disciples.:32 You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Jesus knew that His disciples, for all ages, would be taken and held hostage by lies and incorrect information that we had come rely upon. The promised provision with which to overcome God's and His mankind's "Ignorance Enemy" had already been provided for in Proverbs. Those same Biblical promises and provisions, from both "The Old" and "The New" Testaments, yet apply to us today in every area of our lives. This includes Health and Prosperity! "Thank God!"

(CEV) Proverbs 28:13 If you don't confess your sins, you will be a failure. But God will be merciful if you confess your sins and give them up.

As do many of you, I belong to to numerous groups. Some, like MySpace, require those others whom are affiliated and/or participate in group matters to request your permission to become your "Friend."

Normally, members have posted a "Profile" about themselves and their interests. Often, their primary "Motivation" or reason, is to sell or market their beliefs, agendas, products, or services to you whom they are inviting to be their "Friend." This is, in fact, expected. Through this very vehicle, I have both bought and sold MLM products and services ~ including GDI. To do so is no sin!

Not infrequently, some person whom wishes to become your "Friend," have the same product or service to offer that you have, especially if we are involved with Network Marketing or what is communally called MLM (Multi Level Marketing) as a vehicle to gain "Prosperity" and/or their "Financial Independence."

This ezine article, that reflects my view that we should help, if possible, other affiliates whom initiate such contacts if we can, stems from my reply to an associate that offers a website domain product that I also offered for sale. My reply to this unnamed affiliate said this:

"Yes, we GDI affiliates share a Great product

I have been selling .ws website domains for over two years and have honestly earned very little money.

Most of those people that I've signed up have earned even less and have fallen away :(

My most recent attempt to stimulate some Global Domains International sales was to remake my .ws website, my "Wee Little Website", so that prospects could see what they get for their $10.00 per month... LOL

As it paid for itself, for a long time, I kept it! God knows that, for all of the time and effort that I have expended in the promotion of GDI, it was a "Bad Investment" for me.

At one time, I owned & paid each month for 84 "Name" domains ($840.00 per month) which I forwarded to my major website which was then . This dot com was purchased to market my Mystery/Thriller novel: FOR SALE BY OWNERS:FSBO by Russ Miles, prior to my buying the GDI dot ws URL and it was HUGE!!!

Although MilesBooks dot com was highly Google ranked, it is now "Off The Air" as I didn't renew it I am not planning to renew my GDI sites anymore either.

The Holy Spirit told me, before I moved from Vancouver, WA, to AZ, that I would soon have 1,000,000 + people on my "1st Team Alert" Good Buddy's List! LOL

For my MySpace Friends Info, I used to own most of the names associated with my the faces of my "TOP 16 Friends"

After 4 months ~ I cut my losses and kept a few Global Domains International .ws websites :)) I had even published another ezine article entitled: Rascal's Spiritual Life Series - Three Reasons Why Rascal Buys Website Domain Properties
about it. Here is a link to that article, if you would like to read it:

LOL Not even this article sold very many website domains and did stir up some animosity from a few name people that felt I might be impugning their Good Names. Of course, I released those names back to GDI, immediately!

I do not tell you this to discourage you or anyone else! Rather ~ to simply say ~ while I think that GDI IS a good product, I believe that I got into it TOO LATE to really profit. Especially when you consider that you can buy a .ws from GoDaddy for $9.95 per year rather than $10.00 per month from GDI. No, the owner will not be able to earn GDI commissions by using it.

I truly hope that you have done better in your domain sales businesses than I did."

I Believe that MLMs are, and Network Marketing is, one of God's vehicles to prosper HIS "Elect" and HIS "Chosen" ~ in these "End Times Days" Not only for Christians, which many of us are, but for others of many faiths that belong to HIM, ALMIGHTY GOD ~ THE CREATOR

At this, "My * Charmed * Life's New Juncture", I have moved to AZ and "I Am Watching God Open Up New Doors.

God healed me "Miraculously" And "Completely" of "Total Incontinence" (20 to 30 disposable briefs a day) but HE IS using more conventional methods (vitamins, supplements, and natural methods) to finish the total Earth bodily, MS (Multiple Sclerosis) healing job!

Both jobs, actually! Both "Health" and "Prosperity" which My Jesus paid for together with My "Salvation" during HIS mission on behalf of "Our Father" on this, HIS Earth! I Praise GOD, "The Father," GOD, HIS "Son, Jesus," and GOD, "The Holy Spirit" for their continued guidance!

Other MLMs, which I have invested in via there successful, helpful, diligent, affiliates I no longer sell because "They Never Earned Me ANY Money and Did Cost Me Bunches to stay in for the times that I have.

Perhaps, if I had worked harder and followed their "Systems", I would have been successful with some? But, I didn't. Rather, I was always "Short on one leg" so I never got a paycheck. I Am not lazy but I have had other "Priorities"!!! LOL

I still love my former Network Marketing Up Lines. No Hard Feelings!

When I Am Fully "Healthy" and Filthy "Wealthy", I Am Likely To Write & Sing A Karaoke Song

As "Ol' Blue Eyes" would likely not have sang, " I Did It God's Way For Me..."

Global Domains International - GDI - The Cost of Internet Business

Compared to starting a regular, brick and mortar business, having a part-time or full-time internet business can be a lot less money. But, there are many internet businesses out there that still have a high overhead cost. It is not unusual to have a start up cost of a few hundred dollars and then to have a monthly overhead of at least $200 in supplies just to run the business. Then there are other costs involved as well. For an internet business to be successful, you need a web site. Many businesses provide a web site that is prefabricated.

They just attach the person's ID number or user name to it so that new recruits can sign up in the correct team. But for that business, all web sites for all distributors are nearly identical. Internet guru's teach that it is extremely difficult to get one of these prefabricated web sites to the top of the search engines. Getting your own web site that has links to the pre-fab site is the preferred method. And so, there are the extra costs of obtaining a domain name, and for the hosting of your web page as well as any costs for web page development.

There is an alternative to all of this. Global Domains International, also known as GDI, is the internet business that combines all of these needs into one extremely small monthly fee, and without a start up fee. They even offer a seven day trial period. Their product is web site hosting and domain name registry of all .ws web sites. They also provide an easy to manage ten page web site that you create for you own purpose. GDI has a track record of almost ten years of successful business and they do provide an excellent compensations plan. There are many part-time opportunities to choose from. But you now know that it is not necessary to go expensive..

GDI Marketing Techniques That the Top GDI Earners Are Using

Now don't get me wrong: GDI (Global Domains International) is a great MLM opportunity with a pretty good pay plan. However, what 99% of people who are promoting GDI don't understand is that people don't care or want to hear about the opportunity. People join other people who are leaders, and leaders give away value and knowledge to their prospects.

In this industry, there are only two types of people. Leaders, and those who follow the leaders and hoping that something they do will allow them to eventually become a leader. Fact: the only people in the MLM industry who are making more than they are spending happen to be leaders. If you are not one of them, don't despair as you can easily develop leadership skills and apply them to your GDI enterprise.

The more value and knowledge you offer, the higher the probability of you getting paid. Of course, you must be able to monetize the value that you're offering; and this is where your opportunity comes in. If someone is looking to create income from home, you are going to recommend GDI to them. However, they won't join you unless they see value in both you and GDI (your prospects seeing value in you is much more important though).

You must learn to become a connector; this is someone who can understand and connect with people at an exceptional level. Attraction Marketing makes this a lot easier to do because people know who you are before you even talk to them. If you are constantly connecting with people, it makes you a lot more likely to enroll people into GDI.

You should ABC = Always Be Connecting with your prospects before selling them on GDI. They will very much appreciate that you're not trying to sell them on anything and that you're trying to help them. When people come through your GDI page, make sure to pick up the phone and ABC with your prospects to create trust. Once you understand these simple principles of Attraction Marketing, this is when you can take your GDI business to the next level.

Struggling In GDI? Let Me Give You The Step By Step Internet Blueprint
