Thursday, July 10, 2014

Global Domains International News & Rumors

Global Domains International News Global Domains International news or rumor? We’ll find out eventually but…

So I’m not sure if I’m just spreading rumors or if this is actual Global Domains International news. You see, I’ve been with GDI since 2005-ish.  I’ve seen what happens during big launches and it just seems like…

I don’t know.  Something is going on in the background with GDI and I really don’t know what it is.  But I did log in the other day and for about an hour much of the members area had a new look.

No, I did not take a screenshot.  But it looked rather sleek.  Anyway, I think it was a test run because everything looks the same again.  Though the GDI forum keeps going up and down.  I don’t know what the heck is going on!

Do you?  If so, do share.  :)

In other news, our homepage has had a few changes.  If you click this link, it will open up in a new window.  Take a look and come back and give me your opinion.  What do you like?  What do you not like?

I hope it gives a clearer picture of what this blog is about.  And it should help to create more leads.  Of course, I have much more work to do.

You know what?  We can actually learn something from these two pieces of news.  Or rumors…

Things don’t have to be perfect and they can change over time.  In a year or two years from now this blog probably will look different.  And I believe Global Domains International will too.

I know I am making mistakes with this blog.  They can be corrected and fine tuned over time.  Yours will be or is the same way.  But the important thing is to just put it out there.

Keep putting up content.  Keep learning.  Keep sharing.

And you will have the keys to the kingdom.

Thanks for reading!

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